The Department of Pediatric Medicine at KKCTH forms the backbone of the hospital. The department is managed by 9 full time Senior Consultants. All children who walk in to the hospital for routine consultation apart from Emergencies are seen by the Medical consultants. Those children who require speciality consultation are identified by the Pediatrician and parents are guided appropriately. We provide medical consultation to children from 1month to 18 years of age. The department manages around 200-250 out patients every day. The Consultants provide a comprehensive care including developmental Assessment, growth Monitoring, immunisation advice apart from managing the specific illness. Consultants are Senior Pediatricians with decades of experience in providing ethical and rational care. They are ably supported by state of the art Emergency Room and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit where the sick children are managed during the Golden hour.

The Medical Consultants play a major role in teaching Post graduates and guiding them with their thesis. Their expertise and mentorship contribute significantly to the professional development of the post graduates. The department conducts regular case discussions, audit meets, Continuing Medical Education programs & OSCE discussions.

The Pediatric Medicine faculty are BLS & ALS Certified and conduct regular IAP Certified BLS & ALS programs for doctors, Nurses, paramedical staff & laypersons.

The Consultants also take part in Research Projects and are keen in getting their work published in indexed National & International Journals.