As depicted by the name, ‘Infectious Diseases’ are diseases that are caused by microorganisms like bacteria, virus, fungus or parasites. 60 to 70% of the human illness is caused by the infectious diseases and the rest of the ailments belong to specific systems like cardiology, neurology, nephrology, etc. Though the infectious diseases are ubiquitous and perplex, very few hospitals have a structured infectious diseases department. The CHILDS Trust Hospital is one such organized facilities dealing with infectious diseases efficiently, specifically for the children.

Our vision & mission:

  • Through the extensive knowledge and experience in the basic medical sciences and clinical research, we continue to provide care and cure for common infections
  • Focused, evidence-based treatment for infectious diseases, keeping in mind the constant change in epidemiology.
  • Armored to face the pandemic crises like COVID 19 infections
  • Understanding and addressing the infectious diseases associated with other conditions like immune disorders.

Scope of our Infectious Diseases service:

  • Evaluation of prolonged/recurrent fever and establishing a diagnosis
  • Protocol based management of complicated infections like Dengue fever, Scrub Typhus, Typhoid, Chikungunya, Sepsis, Pneumonia, Skin& Soft tissue infections, Osteoarticular infections and meningitis.
  • Treating chronic unusual infections like Brucellosis, Melioidosis etc.
  • Identifying and managing conditions like Kawasaki disease, Kikuchi disease that mimic infections
  • Diagnosis and management of drug sensitive to resistant Tuberculosis infection, which is mandatory in India.
  • Management of infections in children with comorbidities like Immunodeficiency, Cancer, etc.
  • Ever-ready to handle epidemic emergencies like COVID 19, in association with the department of Pediatrics. For example, an exclusive COVID ward was set up, supported by the department of Pediatrics, to handle a large number of affected patients. It turned out to be a lifesaving and frontline model set up for pediatric COVID-19 patients. Also, the children who reported back with MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome associated with SARS-CoV2) as a consequence of COVID infection were identified and cured. In fact, the first case series of MISC in India was published by our department.
  • Formatting strategy to alleviate “hospital acquired infections’ in alliance with department of Microbiology and the related specialities.
  • Reviewing the hospital antibiogram periodically to assist in choosing the empirical antibiotics.
  • Establishing and fine tuning the right protocol for vaccinations, where we

    a) educate the family members about the importance of vaccination. If the vaccination was not done due to some reason, we advise the “catch-up” schedule for the same vaccination

    b) provide vaccination advice during outbreak of infections and post exposure prophylaxis

    c) decide and execute vaccination in special situations like children with primary immunodeficiency.

The strength of Infectious Diseases department at KKCTH:

  • The best hierarchy of ID team
  • Well guided and supported by the senior most specialists in the hospital
  • Availability of all pediatric specialities and emergency department for academic discussions, positive criticism and decision making.
  • Equipped with facilities and expertise to perform lymph node biopsy, bronchoscopy, endoscopy, bone marrow aspiration, etc.
  • High standard biochemical & Microbiology lab that is available in-house, which helps for diagnosis confirmation instantly by performing rarest spectrum of tests including genetics
Consultant Visiting Consultants

Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Dr. Rajkumar L

Pediatric Infectious Diseases