A wide range of pediatric neurosurgical problems are dealt with by this department. A few require special mention namely: Craniostenosis (Skull deformities) – we offer complete correction for craniostenosis and we have one of the largest series of cases in literature in this field. Neuroendoscopic procedures for hydrocephalus and tumours, surgeries are also offered. Neurosurgical procedures in the neonate and pre-term children are also being done in large numbers with excellent outcomes. Surgeries for major brain tumors, such as Medulloblastoma and Craniopharyngioma, are performed routinely. Another mention must be made of the comprehensive care for neural tube defects (congenital spinal cord problems) which is offered together with the expertise of the orthopedic and pediatric surgeons for which very good results have been achieved.
The department receives heard injury patients round the clock and comprehensive care for the same is available in hospital. We are a tertiary referral centre for head injuries
The neurosurgical OT is fully equipped with a operating microscope, craniotomes and neuroendoscope.